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Mayoral candidate wants chocolate rivers

Categories: Candy,Candy News,Chocolate Candy

I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried. Karl Fluck, a write-in candidate for mayor of Bethlehem, PA, wants to convert the former Bethlehem Steel site into a Christmas City attraction including a chocolate river that

…would be guarded by fairies against the imps and elves trying to get it. Besides his wife and daughter and several reporters, only three other people were at the Comfort Suites meeting room that had large poster’s depicting Fluck’s vision for a large portion of the former steel land…
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Only three other people at the meeting? With a campaign platform like that, I’d vote for him! Chocolate rivers for everyone!

Methinks someone has been watching a little too much Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

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2 Responses to “Mayoral candidate wants chocolate rivers”

  1. 1
    Grace says:

    I’m taking you up on the offer to come visit. I love your candy blog!

    A chocolate River! Hmmm….will it be stocked with swedish fish? I guess they’d use gummi worms as bait! lol

    I’m just putting the finishing touches on my chocolate site – stop by and say hello.

    Have a great day. :)

  2. 2
    Brian says:

    Glad you like it – it’s fun!

    How did I miss the gummi worms and Swedish fish?!? :)

    Chocolate – yum! :)

    The Candy Kid

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