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Stoner Pops – it’s not just a candy, it’s a lifestyle

Categories: Candy,Gummi/Gummy Candy,Lollipops,New Candy,Novelty Candy,Weird Candy

Stoner Pops

Hemp candy – who knew? makes and sells candy made from hemp. Choose from Chocolate Hemp Hogs, Sweet and Sour Hemp Baby Bears, Hemp Pops, and more.

Stoner Pops…are one variety of hemp-flavored sweets available in novelty stores and on the Internet. The candies combine an earthy taste and smoky smell with cheeky marketing slogans like “every lick is like taking a hit.”

Evidently, some law makers aren’t too happy about this “Hemp Candy”.

Rep. Thomas C. Corrigan, D-Bucks County, doesn’t see any humor in the products. He plans to introduce a bill today that would outlaw all candy that tastes like marijuana.

“It is really frightening to develop a taste for marijuana in children through lollipops,” he said.
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Personally, hemp-flavored candy doesn’t sound too appealing to me. I can think of many candy tastes I’d like to try….hemp isn’t one of them. Regardless of your stance on hemp candy, you have got to check out – “It’s not just a candy, it’s a lifestyle”. The pictures of the pimp daddy advertising “Chronic Candy” are too funny for words.

Chronic Candy Pimp Daddy

NOTE: We here at Candy Addict do not promote drug use of any kind. Lollipops, yes. Drugs, no. We prefer a sugar high.

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7 Responses to “Stoner Pops – it’s not just a candy, it’s a lifestyle”

  1. 1
    zeno izen says:

    Where’s the story on Actiq?

  2. 2
    TONY MONTANA says:


  3. 3
    Mary Jane Say's says:

    check out mary jane,

  4. 4
    Stoner Candy Lover says:

    DO NOT BUY CANDY FROM Their candy DOES NOT taste like some dank forreal, tastes like some pine needles and a lil hint of sugar. Leaves a nasty taste in ya mouth and DOESNT give u that satisfying “i just ate a huge nugget of some danky dank” feeling. If you want some REAL off-the-nugget typa candy, get them stoner pops from spencers. Or, if you guys know where to get them online, leave a reply, or email me at . Just so you know, those hemp pops are good too, but the Stoner Pops beat and rule all. Tastes just like a bud of some AK-47 ( i should know, just bought a bag not too long ago ;) ) Take care Burnouts!! and rock the F**K ON!!

  5. 5
    Steve says:

    Don’t listen to the haters, chronic candy is my favorite! I suggest sampling a couple different kinds before u buy a big box like I did for cheap on e-bay.

  6. 6
    Mosaic Patterns says:

    It is also a good idea to have sampling at any store to let them tatse how good the product is..

  7. 7
    John 420 says:

    These pops are tha best and it would put a pimp up to his game

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